Reference: Yamamoto A, et al. (1999) A cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain is required for oscillatory nuclear movement of meiotic prophase and efficient meiotic recombination in fission yeast. J Cell Biol 145(6):1233-49

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Meiotic recombination requires pairing of homologous chromosomes, the mechanisms of which remain largely unknown. When pairing occurs during meiotic prophase in fission yeast, the nucleus oscillates between the cell poles driven by astral microtubules. During these oscillations, the telomeres are clustered at the spindle pole body (SPB), located at the leading edge of the moving nucleus and the rest of each chromosome dangles behind. Here, we show that the oscillatory nuclear movement of meiotic prophase is dependent on cytoplasmic dynein. We have cloned the gene encoding a cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain of fission yeast. Most of the cells disrupted for the gene show no gross defect during mitosis and complete meiosis to form four viable spores, but they lack the nuclear movements of meiotic prophase. Thus, the dynein heavy chain is required for these oscillatory movements. Consistent with its essential role in such nuclear movement, dynein heavy chain tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) is localized at astral microtubules and the SPB during the movements. In dynein-disrupted cells, meiotic recombination is significantly reduced, indicating that the dynein function is also required for efficient meiotic recombination. In accordance with the reduced recombination, which leads to reduced crossing over, chromosome missegregation is increased in the mutant. Moreover, both the formation of a single cluster of centromeres and the colocalization of homologous regions on a pair of homologous chromosomes are significantly inhibited in the mutant. These results strongly suggest that the dynein-driven nuclear movements of meiotic prophase are necessary for efficient pairing of homologous chromosomes in fission yeast, which in turn promotes efficient meiotic recombination.

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Journal Article | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't | Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S.
Yamamoto A, West RR, McIntosh JR, Hiraoka Y
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