Reference: Pinheiro GMS, et al. (2018) 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments of the J-domain of co-chaperone Sis1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biomol NMR Assign 12(2):279-281

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Protein folding in the cell is usually aided by molecular chaperones, from which the Hsp70 (Hsp = heat shock protein) family has many important roles, such as aiding nascent folding and participating in translocation. Hsp70 has ATPase activity which is stimulated by binding to the J-domain present in co-chaperones from the Hsp40 family. Hsp40s have many functions, as for instance the binding to partially folded proteins to be delivered to Hsp70. However, the presence of the J-domain characterizes Hsp40s or, by this reason, as J-proteins. The J-domain alone can stimulate Hsp70 ATPase activity. Apparently, it also maintains the same conformation as in the whole protein although structural information on full J-proteins is still missing. This work reports the 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments of the J-domain of a Hsp40 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, named Sis1. Secondary structure and order parameter prediction from chemical shifts are also reported. Altogether, the data show that Sis1 J-domain is highly structured and predominantly formed by α-helices, results that are in very good agreement with those previously reported for the crystallographic structure.

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Journal Article | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Pinheiro GMS, Amorim GC, Iqbal A, Ramos CHI, Almeida FCL
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