Reference: Mishal R and Luna-Arias JP (2022) Role of the TATA-box binding protein (TBP) and associated family members in transcription regulation. Gene 833

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The assembly of transcription complexes on eukaryotic promoters involves a series of steps, including chromatin remodeling, recruitment of TATA-binding protein (TBP)-containing complexes, the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme, and additional basal transcription factors. This review describes the transcriptional regulation by TBP and its corresponding homologs that constitute the TBP family and their interactions with promoter DNA. The C-terminal core domain of TBP is highly conserved and contains two structural repeats that fold into a saddle-like structure, essential for the interaction with the TATA-box on DNA. Based on the TBP C-terminal core domain similarity, three TBP-related factors (TRFs) or TBP-like factors (TBPLs) have been discovered in metazoans, TRF1, TBPL1, and TBPL2. TBP is autoregulated, and once bound to DNA, repressors such as Mot1 induce TBP to dissociate, while other factors such as NC2 and the NOT complex convert the active TBP/DNA complex into inactive, negatively regulating TBP. TFIIA antagonizes the TBP repressors but may be effective only in conjunction with the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme recruitment to the promoter by promoter-bound activators. TRF1 has been discovered inDrosophila melanogasterandAnophelesbut found absent in vertebrates and yeast. TBPL1 cannot bind to the TATA-box; instead, TBPL1 prefers binding to TATA-less promoters. However, TBPL1 shows a stronger association with TFIIA than TBP. The TCT core promoter element is present in most ribosomal protein genes inDrosophilaand humans, and TBPL1 is required for the transcription of these genes. TBP directly participates in the DNA repair mechanism, and TBPL1 mediates cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. TBPL2 is closely related to its TBP paralog, showing 95% sequence similarity with the TBP core domain. Like TBP, TBPL2 also binds to the TATA-box and shows interactions with TFIIA, TFIIB, and other basal transcription factors. Despite these advances, much remains to be explored in this family of transcription factors.

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Journal Article | Review
Mishal R, Luna-Arias JP
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Review For

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