Reference: Thompson-Jäger S and Domdey H (1990) The intron of the yeast actin gene contains the promoter for an antisense RNA. Curr Genet 17(3):269-73

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Using Northern blot analysis we have detected an approximately 840 nucleotide-long RNA which is complementary to the 5' leader sequence and the first ten nucleotides of the coding sequence of the yeast actin (ACT1) messenger RNA. We have determined two transcription start sites for this actin antisense RNA (ASR1), both within the ACT1 intron, at about 80 and 90 nucleotides downstream from the 5' splice site. Analysis of a cDNA clone showed that this RNA species overlaps the entire trailer sequence and approximately 20 nucleotides of the coding sequence of the nearby yeast YPT1 gene.

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Journal Article | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Thompson-Jäger S, Domdey H
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