All manually curated literature for the specified gene, organized by relevance to the gene and by association with specific annotations to the gene in SGD. SGD gathers references via a PubMed search for papers whose titles or abstracts contain “yeast” or “cerevisiae;” these papers are reviewed manually and linked to relevant genes and literature topics by SGD curators.
Papers that show experimental evidence for the gene or describe homologs in other species, but for which the gene is not the paper’s principal focus.
No additional literature curated.
Paper(s) associated with evidence supporting a physical or genetic interaction between the specified gene and another gene in SGD. Currently, all interaction evidence is obtained from BioGRID.
No interaction literature curated.
Paper(s) associated with one or more pieces of regulation evidence in SGD, as found on the Regulation page.
No regulation literature curated.
Paper(s) associated with one or more pieces of high-throughput evidence in SGD.
No high-throughput literature curated.