Disease Help

PFU1 / YDR306C Disease

Disease Annotations consist of three mandatory components: a gene product, a term from the Disease Ontology (DO) controlled vocabulary and an evidence code. SGD provides manually curated DO Annotations derived from the literature.

Manually Curated

Manually curated DO annotations reflect our best understanding of disease association for this gene product. Manually curated annotations are assigned by SGD curators based on published papers when available, or by curatorial statements if necessary. Curators periodically review all manually curated Disease annotations for accuracy and completeness.

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Gene Disease Ontology Term Qualifier Evidence Method Source Assigned On Reference


DO annotations from high-throughput experiments are based on a variety of large scale high-throughput experiments, including genome-wide experiments. Many of these annotations are made based on DO annotations (or mappings to DO annotations) assigned by the authors, rather than SGD curators. While SGD curators read these publications and often work closely with authors to incorporate the information, each individual annotation may not necessarily be reviewed by a curator.

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Gene Disease Ontology Term Qualifier Evidence Method Source Assigned On Reference


Computational DO Annotations are predictions. These annotations are NOT reviewed by a curator. Currently, all computational DO annotations for S. cerevisiae are assigned by an external source (for example, the Alliance of Genome Resources (Alliance).

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Gene Disease Ontology Term Qualifier Evidence Method Source Assigned On Reference

Shared Annotations

This diagram displays manually curated and high-throughput DO terms (orange circles) that are shared between the given gene (black circle), other yeast genes (dark blue circles), and human genes (light blue circles).