ACE2 / YLR131C Overview

Standard Name
ACE2 1
Systematic Name
Feature Type
ORF , Verified
Transcription factor required for septum destruction after cytokinesis; part of the RAM network that regulates polarity and morphogenesis; NES phosphorylation by RAM network kinase Cbk1p blocks nuclear exit in mother cells during the M/G1 transition, causing asymmetric localization to daughter cell nuclei, and increased Ace2p activity; phosphorylation by Cdc28p and Pho85p prevents nuclear import during cell cycle phases other than cytokinesis; Spt16p is required for nuclear exclusion during G1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Name Description
Activator of CUP1 Expression 1
Comparative Info
Sequence Details


The S. cerevisiae Reference Genome sequence is derived from laboratory strain S288C. Download DNA or protein sequence, view genomic context and coordinates. Click "Sequence Details" to view all sequence information for this locus, including that for other strains.

ACE2 has a paralog, SWI5, that arose from the whole genome duplication
Protein Details


Basic sequence-derived (length, molecular weight, isoelectric point) and experimentally-determined (median abundance, median absolute deviation) protein information. Click "Protein Details" for further information about the protein such as half-life, abundance, domains, domains shared with other proteins, protein sequence retrieval for various strains, physico-chemical properties, protein modification sites, and external identifiers for the protein.

Length (a.a.)
Mol. Weight (Da)
Isoelectric Point
Median Abundance (molecules/cell)
538 +/- 490
Half-life (hr)


Curated mutant alleles for the specified gene, listed alphabetically. Click on the allele name to open the allele page. Click "SGD search" to view all alleles in search results.

View all ACE2 alleles in SGD search

Gene Ontology Details

Gene Ontology

GO Annotations consist of four mandatory components: a gene product, a term from one of the three Gene Ontology (GO) controlled vocabularies (Molecular Function, Biological Process, and Cellular Component), a reference, and an evidence code. SGD has manually curated and high-throughput GO Annotations, both derived from the literature, as well as computational, or predicted, annotations. Click "Gene Ontology Details" to view all GO information and evidence for this locus as well as biological processes it shares with other genes.

Sequence-specific DNA binding RNA polymerase II transcription factor involved in G1/S transition of the mitotic cell cycle; activates cytokinetic cell separation; also regulates antisense transcription at diverse loci; localizes to both nucleus and cytosol

View computational annotations

Cellular Component

Manually Curated
Phenotype Details


Phenotype annotations for a gene are curated single mutant phenotypes that require an observable (e.g., "cell shape"), a qualifier (e.g., "abnormal"), a mutant type (e.g., null), strain background, and a reference. In addition, annotations are classified as classical genetics or high-throughput (e.g., large scale survey, systematic mutation set). Whenever possible, allele information and additional details are provided. Click "Phenotype Details" to view all phenotype annotations and evidence for this locus as well as phenotypes it shares with other genes.

Non-essential gene; null mutant shows bipolar budding pattern, increased cell size, cell separation defects and abnormal colony shape
Interaction Details


Interaction annotations are curated by BioGRID and include physical or genetic interactions observed between at least two genes. An interaction annotation is composed of the interaction type, name of the interactor, assay type (e.g., Two-Hybrid), annotation type (e.g., manual or high-throughput), and a reference, as well as other experimental details. Click "Interaction Details" to view all interaction annotations and evidence for this locus, including an interaction visualization.

The ace2 null mutant is viable; the null mutant of paralog swi5 is viable; the ace2 swi5 double mutant is viable, but shows decreased expression of some genes.

525 total interactions for 436 unique genes

Physical Interactions

  • Affinity Capture-MS: 18
  • Affinity Capture-RNA: 4
  • Affinity Capture-Western: 5
  • Biochemical Activity: 11
  • PCA: 1
  • Protein-peptide: 1
  • Protein-RNA: 1
  • Reconstituted Complex: 3
  • Two-hybrid: 14

Genetic Interactions

  • Dosage Rescue: 6
  • Negative Genetic: 362
  • Phenotypic Enhancement: 11
  • Phenotypic Suppression: 13
  • Positive Genetic: 68
  • Synthetic Growth Defect: 4
  • Synthetic Rescue: 3
Regulation Details


The number of putative Regulators (genes that regulate it) and Targets (genes it regulates) for the given locus, based on experimental evidence. This evidence includes data generated through high-throughput techniques. Click "Regulation Details" to view all regulation annotations, shared GO enrichment among regulation Targets, and a regulator/target diagram for the locus.

ACE2 encodes a transcription factor that is a member of the C2H2 zinc finger class. At the end of mitosis, Ace2p acts specifically in daughter cells to activate transcription of genes such as CTS1, SCW11, DSE2, DSE3, and DSE4, encoding chitinases and glucanases that are required to destroy the septum and allow mother and daughter cells to separate after budding. It also activates expression of BUD9 and DSE1, both involved in bud site selection. Ace2p also represses transcription of the G1 cyclin Cln3p, causing daughter cells to have a lengthened G1 period to allow sufficient growth before budding. Ace2p activity is regulated by its nuclear localization, which in turn is controlled by phosphorylation. During anaphase and early telophase, phosphorylation of the nuclear localization sites of Ace2p, mediated by mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase, prevents Ace2p from entering the nucleus. In late telophase, these sites are dephosphorylated by Cdc14p, allowing Ace2p to enter both mother and daughter nuclei. Its nuclear export sequence (NES) is then phosphorylated by Cbk1p specifically in daughter cell nuclei, causing Ace2p to accumulate there. Phosphorylation by Cbk1p at an additional site increases transcription activation by Ace2p. Later in G1, the NES of Ace2p is dephosphorylated, allowing Ace2p to exit the nucleus, after which it is sequestered in the cytoplasm. Ace2p has a paralog, Swi5p, which also acts at the end of mitosis but regulates a distinct set of genes.
Expression Details


Expression data are derived from records contained in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO), and are first log2 transformed and normalized. Referenced datasets may contain one or more condition(s), and as a result there may be a greater number of conditions than datasets represented in a single clickable histogram bar. The histogram division at 0.0 separates the down-regulated (green) conditions and datasets from those that are up-regulated (red). Click "Expression Details" to view all expression annotations and details for this locus, including a visualization of genes that share a similar expression pattern.

Literature Details


All manually curated literature for the specified gene, organized into topics according to their relevance to the gene (Primary Literature, Additional Literature, or Review). Click "Literature Details" to view all literature information for this locus, including shared literature between genes.

