VTS1 / YOR359W Homology

Standard Name
VTS1 1
Systematic Name
[VTS1+] 7
Feature Type
ORF , Verified
Flap-structured DNA-binding and RNA-binding protein; stimulates deadenylation-dependent mRNA degradation mediated by the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex; member of the Smaug (Smg) family of post-transcriptional regulators which bind RNA through a conserved sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain that interacts with Smg recognition element (SREs) containing transcripts; stimulates Dna2p endonuclease activity; forms [SMAUG+] prion 2 3 4 5 6
Name Description
VTi1-2 Suppressor 1
Comparative Info


Homology calls are sourced from the Alliance of Genome Resources. Many aspects of data integration presented at the Alliance require a common set of orthology relationships among genes for the organisms represented, including human. The Alliance provides the results of all methods that have been benchmarked by the Quest for Orthologs Consortium (QfO). The homolog inferences from the different methods have been integrated using the DRSC Integrative Ortholog Prediction Tool (DIOPT), which integrates a number of existing methods including those used by the Alliance: Ensembl Compara, HGNC, Hieranoid, InParanoid, OMA, OrthoFinder, OrthoInspector, PANTHER, PhylomeDB, Roundup, TreeFam, and ZFIN.

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Species Gene ID Gene name Source

Functional Complementation

Information about cross-species functional complementation between yeast and other species, curated by SGD and the Princeton Protein Orthology Database (P-POD).

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Gene Species Gene ID Strain background Direction Details Source Reference

Fungal Homologs

Fungal Homology calls are sourced from AllianceMine, which compiles fungal homology calls from FungiDB, CGD, Panther, PomBase, TreeFam, HomoloGene, and SGD.

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Species Gene ID Gene name Description Source

External Identifiers

List of external identifiers for the protein from various database sources.

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External ID Source
