Reference: González-Arranz S, et al. (2021) The N-Terminal Region of the Polo Kinase Cdc5 Is Required for Downregulation of the Meiotic Recombination Checkpoint. Cells 10(10)

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During meiosis, the budding yeast polo-like kinase Cdc5 is a crucial driver of the prophase I to meiosis I (G2/M) transition. The meiotic recombination checkpoint restrains cell cycle progression in response to defective recombination to ensure proper distribution of intact chromosomes to the gametes. This checkpoint detects unrepaired DSBs and initiates a signaling cascade that ultimately inhibits Ndt80, a transcription factor required for CDC5 gene expression. Previous work revealed that overexpression of CDC5 partially alleviates the checkpoint-imposed meiotic delay in the synaptonemal complex-defective zip1Δ mutant. Here, we show that overproduction of a Cdc5 version (Cdc5-ΔN70), lacking the N-terminal region required for targeted degradation of the protein by the APC/C complex, fails to relieve the zip1Δ-induced meiotic delay, despite being more stable and reaching increased protein levels. However, precise mutation of the consensus motifs for APC/C recognition (D-boxes and KEN) has no effect on Cdc5 stability or function during meiosis. Compared to the zip1Δ single mutant, the zip1Δ cdc5-ΔN70 double mutant exhibits an exacerbated meiotic block and reduced levels of Ndt80 consistent with persistent checkpoint activity. Finally, using a CDC5-inducible system, we demonstrate that the N-terminal region of Cdc5 is essential for its checkpoint erasing function. Thus, our results unveil an additional layer of regulation of polo-like kinase function in meiotic cell cycle control.

Reference Type
Journal Article | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
González-Arranz S, Acosta I, Carballo JA, Santos B, San-Segundo PA
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