Reference: Manzer KM and Fromme JC (2023) The Arf-GAP Age2 localizes to the late-Golgi via a conserved amphipathic helix. Mol Biol Cell 34(12):ar119

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Arf GTPases are central regulators of the Golgi complex, which serves as the nexus of membrane-trafficking pathways in eukaryotic cells. Arf proteins recruit dozens of effectors to modify membranes, sort cargos, and create and tether transport vesicles, and are therefore essential for orchestrating Golgi trafficking. The regulation of Arf activity is controlled by the action of Arf-GEFs which activate via nucleotide exchange, and Arf-GAPs which inactivate via nucleotide hydrolysis. The localization dynamics of Arf GTPases and their Arf-GAPs during Golgi maturation have not been reported. Here we use the budding yeast model to examine the temporal localization of the Golgi Arf-GAPs. We also determine the mechanisms used by the Arf-GAP Age2 to localize to the Golgi. We find that the catalytic activity of Age2 and a conserved sequence in the unstructured C-terminal domain of Age2 are both required for Golgi localization. This sequence is predicted to form an amphipathic helix and mediates direct binding of Age2 to membranes in vitro. We also report the development of a probe for sensing active Arf1 in living cells and use this probe to characterize the temporal dynamics of Arf1 during Golgi maturation.

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Journal Article
Manzer KM, Fromme JC
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