February 03, 2021
BREWMOR: Bridging Research and Education With Model ORganisms (formerly BREW) will be hosting a virtual workshop titled, “Preparing Undergraduate Students for Research Experiences,” on Friday February 19th, 2021 from 4 – 6:30 PM US Eastern time.
After a very successful virtual BREW (Bridging Research and Education Workshop) in July of 2020 as part of the TAGC meeting, a steering committee was formed to coordinate activities of the BREW community. The name of the community was changed to BREWMOR: Bridging Research and Education With Model ORganisms, to include model organisms beyond yeast.
A micro-BREWMOR event that will be held virtually on Friday February 19th, 2021 from 4-6:30 PM US Eastern time. The main purpose of the event is to provide a forum for social interactions and building a community for support and resource sharing. The theme of this micro-BREWMOR will be “Preparing Undergraduate Students for Research Experiences”. The workshop will include a session related to the event’s main theme and opportunities to connect and collaborate with other undergraduate research mentors and teachers in multiple small breakout rooms focused on various topics.
Please register by February 8th at https://forms.gle/fdBCFxYjWuY38tSG6 . Registration is free.
We hope you can join us at the micro-BREWMOR!
Categories: Announcements