January 31, 2025
Giving to SGD just got easier! We now accept donations by credit card with this form: give.stanford.edu.
Select ‘Other Stanford Designation’ under ‘Direct your gift’ & in the ‘Other’ box, add: Saccharomyces Genome Database – Account: GHJKO, Genetics: WAZC. Thanks for your support!
Your generous gift to SGD enables us to continue providing essential information for your research and teaching efforts. Donations are now critical for our work to continue.
To contribute via check, please make checks payable to Stanford University, and include a note stating that “these funds should be used to support the Saccharomyces Genome Database project in the Department of Genetics, Stanford University. Account : GHJKO, Genetics : WAZC.”
Thank you for your support!
Kindly send by mail to:
Development Services
PO Box 20466
Stanford, CA 94309
Categories: Announcements